The correct answer is: An Epeirogenic change occurs when rock layers are lifted out of sequence.
The epeirogenic movements are the vertical rise and fall movements slowly produced in the Earth's crust. For centuries, diverse movements in the Earth's crust had been produced, due to the pression it receives from the internal layers of Earth. This movements generated multiple changes i the cortex or crust. Epeirogenic movements ara capable of modeling the environment without cracking or breaking it. This movements are produced in the tectonic plates creating irregularities in the terrain in a slowly but progressive way.
When this movements are descendant or negative, part of the continental shields remain immersed, leading to the formation of seas slightly deep and to the formation of the continental platforms; sedimentary layers remain into the most antique igneous or metamorphic rocks. When the movements are ascendant or positive, the sedimentary layers are placed above the sea level being exposed to erosion. The effects of the epeirogenic movement are observed in the change of the coastal lines and the progressive transformation of a continent's aspect.
The economic reason for the civil war was the taxes on imported and exported goods. The tariffs that the national government put on imported and exported goods affected the Southern economy, but benefited the Northern economy. This added tensions between the Union and the Southern states. The southern economy depended on selling cotton overseas, but the North had become very industrialized, and their profits went down when trading with England and other European countries was so easy, so the U.S. put taxes on importing and exporting goods to encourage trade between the sections of the country.
Slavery was the moral issue in the Civil War. Most people in the North
wanted to abolish slavery, while the Southern society and economy heavily depended on it. There were debate over whether new states entering the union should be slave or free, especially as in the years before the civil war, the number of Senators from slave and free states were equal, and each side wanted to prevent the other from having an advantage.
The Tinker case is an important First Amendment case because it defines a student's right to free speech in a public school setting. This ruling would have to be taken into account in any later court cases involving the rights of students in a similar situation.
The first crop that formed the basis of the economy in the Southern states was tobacco. But at the beginning of the 19th century cotton became the most important. During the 1840s and 1850s cotton became the chief United States export. It was known as "King cotton". The rapid agricultural growth of the South led to financial and political tensions between the Northern and the Southern states. Answer: The most important Southern crop in the 1840s and 1850s was cotton.
I'm pretty sure it was the Julian calendar so Julius Caesar