The answer is false. A punctual student usually excels in school work and would not have to stay behind.
historians believe metal objects were first used as money as early as 5,000 B.C. Around 700 B.C., the Lydians became the first Western culture to make coins.Using coins with set values made it easier to compare values and trade money for goods and services.
Other people can see our identies be ofcause how we talk, act, or what we do around a person. Text, emails, and phone calls are a big part, because if a random person were to go through all of our social texts, they would probably discorver a big part of us. We influence others and make them have opinions about us by the way we talk, or act towards them. Body language, eye contact, and acting interested. How we talk, what we do, our actions make people have "thoughts" and opinions about us. They can see a big part of us, which is our identity. Our personality.