14. How do the metaphors of warmth and light in lines 3-4 of Passage 4 help the reader
1 answer:
option D
the poet is trying to forgot the person she loves so she tells her heart to forget the warmth the person gave her warth meaning the love and teh affection and the care the person gave her.
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The answer is [ because of the separation, sentences with this error often sound awkward, ridiculous, or confusing.]
obnoxious = ob nox ious is the way you break it into syllables
nonrestrictive = non re stic tive
receivable = re ceiv a ble
reception = re cep tion
me I can be yours.........
1. pounded
2. soil
3. account
4. country
5. destroyed
6. boiling
7. brown
8. burning
9. outside
10. destroyed
It surprised people because the dance was much slower and smoother than usual.