Marx's theory of society is based on the belief that he believes that the ruling class make all the money as they exploit the working class and pay them with low wages.
The Japanese combined Buddhism with
their Shinto religion. Shinto was based
on respect for the forces of nature
and ancestor worship. Buddhist rituals
became part of Shinto.
Japanese rulers such as Prince Shotoku
worked on building a strong central
government similar to the Chinese
The Japanese adopted Chinese styles
of cooking, gardening, drinking tea, and
even hairdressing. They based their
system of writing on Chinese characters.
</span>Korea had a major impact on japan too. for example, the Buddhist religion traveled from Korea throughout china and japan making a major impact on their religion and culture.
People of Hindu believed that a dead human's soul is carried by a subtle body into a new physical body which can be a human or non-human form,maybe such as an animal,insect,etc.
some of the Incas used camels/lamas to transport the trade across their dirt road is you look on google maps you can see their roads