The correct subordinating conjunction is "yet" and the sentence is completed as follows:
Mandy practiced karate every day, yet she failed to beat her final opponent.
The word "yet" is a subordinating conjunction that means "nevertheless" or "however", it is associated with negative statements in order to mention that an event did not take place.
In this sentence, it explains that even though Mandy had practiced she did not beat her opponent.
B.“But losing her had, I suppose, made him realize for the first time how much he loved her, and this sudden strength — focus, certainty, whatever — was a comfort”
In this short story by George Saunders, the main character Uncle Matt is shown to be crude, materialistic and with no emotional connection maintained throughout his course of life.
With his actions and attributes, he seems to have a negligence over his children. In the story's start, Saunders describes his actions and thoughts clearly for readers to understand that he does not really have a genuine concern over children well-being.
It is a surprising truth for readers to digest when he suddenly turns into an emotional father during the mishap. When he starts to understand his responsibility and how caring his children were towards him, in spite of his attitude towards them and their lives, he realizes that he must act differently, in a more concerned and responsible way to get her back.
Vex- But this destruction seems to have been done on purpose to vex us.
Stifle- Brady's comment made her stifle a laugh.
Crevice- A crevice behind a block of stone is about 30ft.
Audacity- I can't believe she had the audacity to ask me to do her work for her.
Cunning- In this world one has to be cunning and cruel
Precaution- Hence it is always a safe precaution to afford plenty of time such as settlement before a reservoir is charged with water.
Evelop- Can't think of anything please accept my apologies.
Hypocritical- To say that these protestations were hypocritical is to assume too much
Sorry I tried.
In addition
The phrase that would best fit the blank is <em>in addition</em>. It means the same as words <em>also, as well, </em>and <em>besides</em>. This means that Champ is on both the basketball and soccer teams.
<em>Therefore </em>and <em>consequently</em> can be used as synonyms, which means that they have the same meaning - <em>as a result. </em>The fact that Champ is on the soccer team is not the result of him being on the basketball team.
<em>In spite of</em> is used to show contrast. This would mean that Champ would be on the soccer team despite being on the basketball team. But, if we used this phrase, the sentence would be grammatically incorrect.
This is why option A is the correct one.