Neurotransmitter is the correct answer.
The neurotransmitter, additionally called chemical transmitter or compound flag-bearer, any of a gathering of synthetic operators discharged by neurons (nerve cells) to animate neighboring neurons or muscle or organ cells, in this manner enabling driving forces to be passed starting with one cell then onto the next all through the sensory system.
1. Roma videmus
-Here, Rome would need to be in the accusative case since it is the direct object. The correct word would be <em>Romam.</em>
2. Romani viae visito
-Visito is first person meaning "I visit." The correct word would be <em>visitant.</em>
-Again, you need to use the accusative case for direct objects. The correct word here would be <em>vias.</em>
3. Romani pugnae spectabimus
-Spectabimus translates to "We will watch." The correct word would have been <em>spectabunt.</em>
-Again, battles needs to be in the accusative case since it is being watched. The correct word would be <em>pugnas.</em>
Hope this helps.
Idk what you are saying to me rn