It allow us to monitor and study our environment to better understand how it works and the impact of our actions on it and It allows for paperless communication like email and online bill paying to reduce the amount of trees cut down
The first one is Mobile Marketing Second Box is social media and the last is Search engine
An anaglyph is a graphic image composed of two images, one that is tinted red and the other that is tinted blue. When viewed together these images produce a stereoscopic effect.
Further Explanation:
To explain what an Anaglyph is and the concept it uses to work, I will use a simple demonstration. Place your finger higher up at a shorter distance from your face and close your left eye. You will notice your finger move slightly a bit to the left. The same happens when you close your right eye too.
Basically, Anaglyphs work by laying one images over the other from two angles. One image has a red tint and the other a blue tint. To view an Anaglyph image, you need glasses with the corresponding colors of the image. Note that if the image for the right eye is blue, it can only be filtered out by the red lense and not the blue lense and vice versa.
Learn more about anaglyph by clicking the image below
just try your best and take a good guest you dont need to cheat
Quality is not an act, it is a habit. ...
Well done is better than well said. ...
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ...
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. ...
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. ...
Good, better, best. ...
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.