take away means subtract and a lantern was a warning sign
an example is: you have 10 apples.
you take away 5
which mean you subtracted 5 from 10
D)They believed that Lincoln would press for the abolition of slavery.
The Mayans were one of the indigenous societies in Mesoamerica.
The term civilization used to describe the Mayans society because of a complex society with its cultures and cities. The Mayan civilization centered in various parts of Central America and South America. Mayan relied on its geographical condition for survival as they farmed corn, squash, and beans.
The Mayan civilization was a theocracy because of the society that controlled by religious priests. The Mayans believed in gods controlling the world. The priests had the power to knew the gods' wishes. Therefore the priests held power in the Mayan society by making decisions.
Mayan developed hieroglyphics as a writing system. The hieroglyphic signs are pictorial, which are recognizable because of pictures, including people and animals, along with objects of daily life.
In a group of city-states, each city-state is independent and rules by its own king. No central power controlled all of the city-states. In an empire, consisting of a nation and the city-states and nations it has conquered, one ruler is in control.
Personality refers to the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways. Influences on personality include how you grew up, your genetics, your surroundings, and your community. Ways you might be able to tell if someone has a personality disorder is for example if they are emotionally unstable and have self image insecurities.
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