Answer is organizing records and files.
For example, organizing legal records and files for a law firm.
it usally snows in december where i live but this year it only snowed a little then started snowing a week ago
d. officers becoming personally involved with informants.
An informant is a person who gives his testimony in relation to a situation as a way to help in the investigation of something. These people cannot be considered a witness of a situation, because they are not formally obliged to speak the truth about the facts of the situation (the witness is obliged to speak the truth), and they can tell fanciful, uncooperative and incorrect information.
In this case, it is extremely unethical for the information that an informant provides to be overestimated, because that information may be false. moreover, an informant cannot be intimidated or coerced into contributing to a given situation, nor can he be deceived about its relevance in the investigation, through false praise. However, in terms of ethics and morals, nothing prevents officers from personally getting involved with informants.
Fictitious payee rule
Fictitious payee rule applies when a person cause an instrument to be issued to a person(payee) who has no valid reason to receive the payment or no interest in the instrument, this ensure forgery of the payee's name will then be effective to pass the instrument to the transferees later as we can see in the case of Maria, she included the name of her maid for the purpose of using the check for herself and not for the sake of Carolyn
e. a and c only.
In public speaking situations, the ethical obligations of listeners is to maintain the open and free expression of ideas and to be courteous and attentive during he speech. Doing these shows the audience respect to the speaker.
In the art of public speaking, listening is an important aspect. Listening is not just about hearing but how we interpret what is heard. An ethical listener interpret and analyze the information passed by the speaker and speaker's effectiveness. An ethical listener does not judge the speaker based on his or her prestige or prejudges a listener. An ethical listener, shows and communicates respect to a speaker by preparing to listen and also listening with his or her body by avoid distractions.