Gradient fill
A gradient fill is a visual effect that makes a three dimensional color look by mixing one color shade gradually progressing to another shade of the same color or one color progressing to another color. for example a dark red progressively changing to light red or red progressively changing to blue.
The answer to the given question can be given as:
The value of *iptr is 7. and the value of iptr is dynamic.
In the c++ code, it is defined that x is an integer variable that assigns a value which is 7. Then we define a pointer variable that is *iptr. This variable holds an address of the x variable. When we print the value of the iptr variable. if we use the expression *iptr to print value of the pointer variable by cout that is used in c++ for pint values. so the value of the iptr is 7. If we use the expression iptr sent to cout so we show the address of the variable x. In the pointer, it manages the addresses of dynamically allocated so the address of the variable is changed on execution time.
def fizzbuzz (num):
for item in range(num):
if item % 2 == 0 and item % 3 == 0:
elif item % 3 == 0:
elif item % 2 == 0:
print (item)
Using Python programming Language
Use a for loop to iterate from 0 up to the number using the range function
Within the for loop use the modulo (%) operator to determine divisibility by 2 and 3 and print the required output
see attached program output screen.
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