listening for gist
Here Sheila is listening to get the gist of how you actually spent your day. Sheila is listening to get the main idea of your explanation on how your day went. Here she filters all the details and says, "aha", "yes" in acknowledgement while she tries to figure out "the highlights" of your day-to-day what actually summarized your day according to your explanations to her.
After hurricane Katrina, many minorities were prevented from moving into particular neighborhoods due to newly established laws about property ownership. these laws were found to be discriminatory because they excluded certain groups of people from the opportunity to choose where to live—an opportunity that was granted to others. The term discrimination denotes treating someone unfavourably because of a some characteristics or believes.
Illegal immigrants have killed 63,000 U.S. citizens
The killing of Americans by the Immigrants got into controversy as President Donald Trump make a statement. American President Trump declared in 2018 that 63,000 Americans citizens have killed by unauthorised immigrants since the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001. Several studies for years have shown that illegal immigration does lead to an increased crime rate which includes violence, murder, and drug problems.
1. Very sudden increase in size
2. D, Person who buys vacant land hoping value will increase
The Florida land boom of the 1920s was Florida's first real estate bubble, a copious amount of land speculation and swindling, and hasty construction of flimsy homes and stores, that lasted from 1924 to 1926, attracting unwary investors from all over the nation.
a person who invests in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of making a profit.
A) collecting taxes
Without taxes, the country can't function properly. The country cares mostly about taxes and after that about the people.