The disease has been absent from the population for a long time.
Areas where the air is warmed often have lower pressure because the warm air rises. These areas are called low pressure systems. Places where the air pressure is high, are called high pressure systems. A low pressure system has lower pressure at its center than the areas around it.
Mark brainiest'
Answer: non living
because it's not alive
The FitnessGram PACER Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.
The test is used to measure a student's aerobic capacity as part of the FitnessGram assessment. Students run back and forth as many times as they can, each lap signaled by a beep sound. The test get progressively faster as it continues until the student reaches their max lap score.
The PACER Test score is combined in the FitnessGram software with scores for muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and body composition to determine whether a student is in the Healthy Fitness Zone™ or the Needs Improvement Zone™.
The correct answer is: Eccentric phase.
When talking about movement, we are talking about the activation of muscle fibers in order for this process to happen. In order for this to happen, motor neurons must activate the phases of muscle excitation, contraction and relaxation, so that the sarcomeres, and thus the fibers, can generate movement.
In essence, there are three stages, or phases, to complete muscle movement: the concentric phase, which is when the muscle fibers are excited and begin the process of contraction. This means the muscle fibers will contract and generate movement, generating a shortening. Then we have the isometric stage, a moment in which there is no longer any more shortening of the muscle fibers, so basically, the movement is held and there is no further contraction, but neither is there relaxation of the muscle fibers. Finally, we have the eccentric phase. This phase is characterized precisely because it is the moment when the muscles begin to return to their resting position.
Probability: The chance of something happening and the likelihood of a particular event happening.