Submarine Canyon
Submarine Canyon's are steep-sided valley canyons cut into the seabed of the continental slope.
D) Territory
For example Puerto Rico is its own country but is territory of the United States.
Much pollution fills the air because of train s which let off steam that contains chemicals.
Chain migration is the social process by which migrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular destination, it assures that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from a common origin to a prepared destination,the prepared destination may be in another country or in a new location within the same country
Step migration involves the place transition from, for example, rural to central city residence through a series of less extreme locational changes, from farm to small town to suburb, and finally to the major central city itself
The naval strategy is the preparation and execution of combat at sea. Naval strategy and the associated theory of maritime strategy involves the comprehensive strategy for gaining supremacy at sea, which includes the planning and execution of operations, the action and disposition of naval units by which a leader achieves the benefit of struggling at a place accessible to himself, and the deception of the opponent. The following are the fundamental functions of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in the execution of the National Naval Strategy:
1. Secure strategic passage and maintain the global choice of action.
2. Extend existing and developing partnerships and alliances
3. Secure favorable defense requirements
4. guard the U.S. against direct invasion