AD was a dark age and a period of cultural decay and decline for Europe because there was barely a government, harsh punishments, ignorant people, not a lot of land, and there was a lot of killing and diseases going around Europe that cause Europe to decline in population.
The correct answer is option c.
Autarky can be defined as a situation where a nation is self-sufficient and does not trade internationally. Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay and the price he actually has to pay.
In the case of autarky, the consumer surplus id the area below the demand curve and above the equilibrium price. The producer surplus is the area above the supply curve and below the equilibrium price.
Answer: A. What was your average compounded return per year over a particular period?
Geometric return is calculated by the formula;
= [(1 + r1) * (1 + r2) * (1 + r3) *.... (1 + rn)] ^1/n
This allows for one to calculate the compounding effect over a period of time by showing the compounded annual growth rate which means that it tells what the average compounded return was per year in a particular period.
The correct answer is option d.
Comparative advantage refers to the situation where an individual, firm or nation can produce a good at a relatively lower cost than its competitors.
Luke can bake bread at a relatively lower opportunity cost while Jason can produce paintings at a relatively lower opportunity cost.
This implies that Luke has a comparative advantage in baking bread and Jason has a comparative advantage in making paintings.
Luke specializes in baking bread and Jason specializes in making paintings.
I believe that in such a situation, the thing you should do is say: Mrs. Wilson can't be contacted now, but I will give her your name and number as soon as possible.
That way you won't interrupt your boss, and you will give a polite answer to the person calling.