The difference is mostly in the amount of humidity. Continental climates usually have cool summers and cold winters and don't have high humidity. Central European is like continental climate except it has humidity because of the way air drifts work. They are similar but the temperature is usually higher.
crystallized intelligence.
Fluid intelligence.
Crystallized intelligence refers to the intelligence that allows us to use knowledge that was previously acquired through education and experience. It usually refers to facts, skills, and information you learned in school or from past experience.
On the other hand, fluid intelligence refers to the intelligence that allows us to reason, analyze, and solve problems. When we use this intelligence, we don't rely on any pre-existing knowledge.
In this example, Jody has to name as many state capitals as she can in a minute, this task refers to <u>information learned in school</u> (geography and capitals), so this test would be a test of crystallized intelligence.
Aditi is trying to complete analogies between pairs of abstract diagrams, she is using <u>her ability to analyze and solve problems</u> without relying on pre-existing knowledge. Thus, this would be a test of fluid intelligence.
<u>The following best describes the demographics of Europe:</u>
- Low birth rate
- positive migration
- low death rate
Europe is a developed country and reached to a higher level of population dynamics. The population pyramid looks like bell in Sweden, Germany and Britain because the population between the age group of 20-35 years is high in these countries.
The total life expectancy is also high in these western countries due to modern medical facilities and technological development. Immigration is very common in this continent due to pull factors. Birth rate and death rate both are low here that's why it reached the target of zero population growth rate.
American operatives who led secret missions
These select people were hired by american military to carry a language little to no people knew. However, they used old Native American roots as part of their secret language.