is to show that people can be deliberately malicious and cruel, especially to people who reveal their vulnerabilities. We know that the main character, Mr. Nuttel, has shared his nerve disorder with his hosts.
you should choose something prsonal to you to help make your story a better story
This novel is one of the first feminist novels, because it was empowering women. There have been several other feminist novels, but this is the very first one.
Kate Chopin wrote the awakening to empower feminism and women, as they are often designated as the weaker gender. I believe that it shows the stronger side of females, and that they are as strong as men are.
I haven't read the book, so I went off of what i could. I hope this helps, you can re-word it if you'd like.
Anglo-Saxons liked to gather in the lord's great hall, to eat and drink, and to listen to songs and stories. They loved tales about brave warriors and their adventures. A favourite story told how Beowulf, a heroic prince, kills the fierce man-eating monster Grendel, and Grendel's equally horrid mother. The story of Beowulf was first written down in the 8th-9th centuries, but long before that the story was told around the fire. The storyteller played music to accompany the songs and poems, on a small harp or on another stringed instrument called a lyre
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