A monarchy is a type of government ruled by a hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen. A theocracy, on the other hand, is a system where a small group of religious leaders rule in the name of a god. A monarch who claims the divine right of kings uses their religion to justify their position of power. (See image: Courtesy of tvtropes.org) A monarch can claim to rule by god's will, but doesn't have to be a religious leader.
One of the main ways in which changes to the railroad helped American industries to grow is that the expansion of the rail system led to increased migration to the west, which led to more farming and agricultural output. Another would be that it led to settlements that ultimately led to business that were able to conduct business over state lines with great ease.
public opinion is formed through a number of actions called "political socialization"
im sorry i do not know all five. heres two:
general agreement (it is an opinion behind which there is a general agreement or a consensus)
general welfare (public opinion is always governed by the idea of promotion of general public welfare)
The idea of "massive retaliation" was first formally articulated by Eisenhower administration Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in a speech on January 12, 1954
just summerize that the best u can