A tragic hero is a hero that was born to be a noble. They heroic qualities since birth. The tragic part would be a supernatural force or a god-like force acting against him (cause how many heroines do you see). The hero has trouble against said forces and wins against them, making us like him. A good example would be Odysseus from the Odyssey.
A book's introduction is closely related to the content of the book itself. Usually found in nonfiction work, the introduction may summarize the main argument presented in the rest of the book, define any important terms, or fill in background details.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar deals with the themes of fate, betrayal, and honor, among others. The chief conflict of the play centers on the conspirators' hatred of Julius Caesar's increasing power, which could lead to his becoming king and to the dissolution of the Republic. This tension is about power, one of the play's themes. Also, the men who will assassinate Caesar are his friends, and the play explores the limits of that bond as it is tested by ambition and power.