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a. a syntax error
When the same variable name is repeated in the parameter set and the method body, it will result in a syntax error. This is because the variable in the parameter has a local scope within the method body. Now if we declare another variable with the same name in the method body, it will result in redefinition of the variable and violate the uniqueness principle of variable names in the method code. This will give rise to syntax error.
Answer: getfenv() is a type of function. Particually a envirotment function. for a lua coding.
Explanation: What this does it goes thourgh line of code in a particular order.
This means. getfenv is used to get the current environment of a function. It returns a table of all the things that function has access to. You can also set the environment of a function to another environment.
Forgot to include examples of where this could be used. Although not very common uses, there are some. In the past Script Builders used getfenv to get the environment of a script, and setfenv to set the environment of a created script’s environment to a fake environment, so they couldn’t affect the real one. They could also inject custom global functions.
Not entirely sure if this uses getfenv or setfenv, but the use in Crazyman32’s AeroGameFramework is making the environment of each module have access to other modules without having to require them, and having access to remotes without having to directly reference them.
Answer: True
Explanation: yes, it is true that egrep can accept multiple filenames as input arguments for example egrep -r "text1/text2", so this will search in all the sub directories . E grep is also known as 'grep -E' which belongs to the group of grep function and we used egrep to separate multiple patterns for OR conditions. This is also very less time consuming if you are going to search multiple input arguments in multiple different logs at the same time.
Reproduction. One layed some eggs then another and another and then BOOM here they are.