Ans. Ready to download, please see the file attached to this document
Note. Consider changing the cell in yellow, does not make sense, it could be 10100 instead of 1010
Hi, to design this sheet, I also used the and(...) function of MS excel, in which you declate that in order to select a certain answer, 2 or more conditions must be true, in our case, if a purchase is up to 1000, the price would be $1010 (consider changing this value, maybe to 10100), if the purchase is more than 1000 and less than 5000, the price is $9,509.50, and if is more than 5000 units, the price would be $5,5005.50.
Please check the formula for further clarifications.
Best of luck.
Answer: The Print Area function in Excel allows you to print part of a spreadsheet rather than the full sheet
The answer is Intumescent. I am pretty sure this is right.
Hey buddy
so 14 it was be a long time but l think it is true
15 is <span>the range of tools and functions associated with that activity</span>
A virus is a malicious program or script that Spreads.
Malware, however, will not spread.
Viruses can spread without a victim's permission because it is automated to do so.
For example, the Melissa virus would look like a file attachment that used reverse psychology to make you open it. From there, it goes through the first 50 email contacts stored on your computer and sends the virus to them from your computer.