A vulnerability level of ZERO can never be obtained since all countermeasures have vulnerabilities themselves. For this reason, vulnerability can never be zero, and thus risk can never be totally eliminated.
also we need to be protected from scams and stuff
Growth Strategy
A growth strategy is a plan of action that allows you to achieve a higher level of market share than you currently have. Such as the case in the question, PC's shifted so sales and service of Laptops and PCs because there is a greater market share for them there than where they currently operate from.
Dictary = {
'dept': 'sales',
123-45-6789:"Mr.Potato Head \n234 Potato Lane \nPotato Chip, ID 77725"
for i in Dictary.keys():
if i == 123-45-6789:
print("Key not found")
You can further test this code by deleting Mr.Potato head's info from the dictionary. I hope this helps!