Answer: Mercantilism was based on the idea that a nation's wealth and power were best served by increasing exports, in an effort to collect precious metals like gold and silver. Mercantilism replaced the feudal economic system in Western Europe.
You would be in South America.
Hope this helps <3
Hyy frnd ☺..
the process of travelling the silk roads developed along with the road themselves.
when we are traveled to china by silk roads,
in middle ages' caravans consisting of horse and camels were used for the china there was extreamly extremely high value product, it was reserved for the exclusive usage of the Chinese imperial court for the making of cloths, drapes, banners, and other items of prestige.
we are travel on many places like-
The Silk Roads across the Middle East and Western Asia.Central Asia.Southern Routes and South Asia.China: The northern route along the Taklamakan Desert.China: The southern route along the Taklamakan Desert.China.
we have different challanges to face on our lengthy journey like -Pirates were another risk faced by all merchant ships along the maritime Silk Roads, as their lucrative cargos made them attractive targets and lack of water .
The Silk Road did not only promote commodity exchange but also cultural. For example, Buddhism as one of the religions of the Kushan kingdom reached China. Together with merchant caravans Buddhist monks went from India to Central Asia and China, preaching the new religion. Buddhist monuments were discovered in numerous cities along the Silk Road.
hope it helps!!⤴
The Chinese people held low level jobs with little power
I don't see any answers in the list that are fully correct.
Henry IV did not create the Estates General. That institution had developed already in medieval France, fell out of use, but then was revived during the latter half of the 16th century, a couple decades before Henry IV came to the throne.
Henry IV did not oppress the French people but sought to build roads and improve agriculture for the betterment of France and to build the loyalty of the people to his rule.
He did overthrow the previous ruler (Henry III), but not in "totalitarian fashion." After winning the "War of the Three Henrys" in order to become king, Henry sought to bring France to peace after religious warfare. He had been Protestant but converted to Catholicism for the sake of national peace, while at the same time extending legal protections to the Protestant minority.
Under Henry IV's rule, the central government did not control "almost every aspect of life." He worked hard to consolidate and centralize power for his government, but he was not yet what we would call an "absolute" ruler.