Gas: when the water has evaporated and is now out in the air. Water molecules move super fast during this stage.
Liquid: Water molecules have a good amount of space to move around, but they aren’t traveling as fast as they do in the gastric state.
Solid: ice in other words, the water molecules are super tight and compact, but are still moving around, just not very fast.
Glycine is an amino acid coded by GGA, GGU, GGC, GGG codons. Histidine is an amino acid coded by CAC, or CAU codons. It should be known that the mRNA chain that will be encoded must always have a START codon at the beginning and a STOP codon at the end.
I think laboratory experiments
d. Fire ants spread by winged members and by hitching rides so a single colony can cause infestation.
An invasive fire ant colony can be very disastrous to the population of organisms in a locality. They cause massive competition with the native species thereby infesting them and destroying the native population.
Fire ants spread by winged members which makes a single colony to cause severe damage to the native specie. Often times, as they become endemic, they manifest as the dominant specie in a particular location.