The protein likely travels through a common lumen shared by thylakoid membranes and grana, and cannot easily diffuse through the thylakoid membrane.
There is a lot of scientific research in which a specific molecule can be labeled with some fluorescent marker (usually carbon 14). This type of marking allows the researcher to make observations about the movement of these molecules, as you can see in the question above. About the research shown in the question, the researcher realized that the protein labeled with the fluorescent marker moved between the grana and was always in the lumen, so she can conclude that the selocomovement protein moved through the lumen that is shared between the tilacoid membranes and the grana.
Transitional fossils show how a particular taxa accumulated adaptations to fit particular environments and/or ecological niches
Transitional fossils are fossilized remains of taxonomic groups/species that illustrate an evolutionary transition between a known version of a taxa/species and the current taxa/species. Transitional fossils are fundamental because they can be clearly differentiated from the ancestral group as well as of its derived descendant group. For example, there exist transitional fossils known as "mammal-like reptiles"(i.e., therapsids that gave rise to the true mammals), which are clearly different from current mammals.
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