I believe that is a trick question, “The degree of metamorphism is a function of pressure, heat and time. During orogenic events, the metamorphism of the rocks can take 100's of thousand to millions of years. Too much heat cannot be applied at once since the rock will melt and recrystallize into an igneous rock” i’ve found those same answers on other websites as well. meaning there really isn’t a right answer.
George Washington
On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.
A suburb is a residential district located on the outskirts of a city. If you live in the suburbs, you probably travel to the city for work. Suburb comes from Latin: sub means "below or near" and urbis means "city." You also will recognize this root in urban.
C. Su sabor es mejor
Hay diferentes tipos de adverbios
<span>1they live in In the north of the amazon rainforest : south America.
2they eat a</span><span>nything that they can collect in the forest ... EG. animals, berry's, nuts , seeds , flowers , plants and anything that they can really find / forage for
</span><span>3The Tucano are a multilingual people because men must marry outside their language group; that is
4no man may have a wife who speaks his language, for that kind of marriage relationship is not permitted and would be viewed as a kind of incest.
</span><span> 5 the Tucano practice linguistic exogamy
</span>6<span> They are usually described as being made up of many separate tribes</span><span>, although the appellation is somewhat problematic due to the complex social and linguistic structure of the region
7</span> <span>The Tukano recognize 137 varieties of manioc
8 the tukano </span>tribe<span>, which extends into Brazil and is the largest group
9</span>They<span>'re never the </span>work<span> of committees of living individuals
10</span>The Tukano<span> are 6,000 people living in the border with Colombia and Venezuela</span>