The 18th amendment prohibited alcohol, then the 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment.
Well The Nile River flooded annually; this flooding was so regular that the ancient Egyptians set their three seasons Inundation, or flooding, Growth, and Harvest around it.
This annual flooding was vital to agriculture because it deposited a new layer of nutrient-rich soil each year. In years when the Nile did not flood, the nutrient level in the soil was seriously depleted, and the chance of food shortages increased greatly. Food supplies had political effects, as well, and periods of drought probably contributed to the decline of Egyptian political unity at the ends of both the Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Harold Wilson, from 1964-1970.
In his speech, Kennedy called Americans to recognize civil rights as a moral cause to which all people need to contribute and was "as clear as the American Constitution." He conveyed how the proposed legislation would lead the nation to end discrimination against African-Americans.
Option: sophisticated courtly life
Mongols recognised as Nomadic from the eastern plain lands in Asia that created an empire under Genghis Khan. He was able to establish an empire by joining the clans of the steppe under his power. The Mongols ruled most of Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and the Middle East. The Mongols extended their empire using quick and crucial attacks with equipped and disciplined troops. Mongol was known as the best horseback fighter in their time. They cleared out the inhabitants of entire towns and seizing the crops and cattle from others.