The just prior to the Europeans because Lewis and Clark didn’t discover America
Answer: Three cigars, with Lee's battle plans wrapped around them, had been inadvertently lost by a Confederate officer. With this information in Union hands, the South's anticipated victory was cut short. The Confederate Army had been unstoppable - within weeks of winning the Civil War. General Robert E. Lee had won the Second Battle of Bull Run and was marching 55,000 Confederate troops into Maryland on September 3, 1862.
The Confederate Army was welcomed, as anti-Union protests had filled Baltimore's streets.
On September 13, 1862, President Lincoln met with Rev. William Patterson, Rev. John Dempster, and Methodist, Baptist, and Congregational leaders who presented him with a petition to emancipate the slaves Lincoln told them: I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice... I hope it will not be irreverent for me to say that if it is probable that God would reveal His will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed He will reveal it directly to me;
Following are the solution to the given question:
The Big Stick policy applies to the foreign policy of President Roosevelt, who talks quietly but wears a white baton. Its type of international relations was described as the practice of intellectual forethought or strong leadership far ahead of a likely crisis. For Western Europe, they felt most of everything that the U.S. would have a duty to protect security and stability by assuming a defensive position throughout the West.
i think He sailed for france