And honoured everywhere for worthiness; At Alexandria, he, when it was won - <em>Knight</em>. Knight is a siginificant character in the book. He has many qualities, but four of the them is emphasized in the book. He is worthy for this name because of the good qualities.
Of courtliness, and stately manners took; And would be held worthy of reverence - <em>Prioress</em>. Prioress tries hard to seem courtly.
In wisps hung down such locks as he'd on head; But as to hood, for sport of it, he'd none - <em>Pardoner</em>. Pardoner sells official church pardons and the lines is a reference to this act.
A lover and a lusty bachelor, With lock well curled, as if they'd laid in press - <em>Squire</em>. Squire is a young, handsome man as described in the lines who accompanies the Knight in his adventures.
Answer: he was a union leader, American labor leader.
Explanation: Chavez fought for Latino Amrican civil rights and founded the national farm workers association, he impacted my life because it showed me as the reader how he fought for rights kinda like MLK and it showed me a new perspective on American farm workers.
The answer is option B
A proposal proclamation centers your thoughts into a couple of sentences. It should introduce the subject of your paper and furthermore make a remark about your situation in connection to the point. Your proposal proclamation should tell your peruser what the paper is about and furthermore help manage your composition and keep your contention centered.. A proposal articulation is one sentence that communicates the primary thought of an examination paper or article. It makes a case, straightforwardly noting a question.A theory is the most vital or central thought of a contention. In the event that you compose a paper with the focal proposal that young ladies are yucky, you'll have to back that up with cooties-based research. The thing proposition has in excess of one critical sense to it.
Imagery, like the reader can see an image of the setting