The injustice of illegal quartering during the Revolutionary War led to the passage of the Third Amendment to the Constitution which states that: "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."
Americans, still upset at the quartering of soldiers in their homes, wanted to ensure that future Americans would never have to endure the same again.
Since the electoral college is a college of politicians whose job it is to know everyone and everything, we give them our votes and they vote for who should be the president. Therefore, you don't have to know who the president is, but if you give your vote to the elector then they will give it to who they know is about the ideas that you voted for. Nowadays it is much more complicated due to the scale of it all.
Alhazen/Johannes Kepler-Camera Obscura
Find sources online that cover it, especially those that end in .gov, .org, or .edu. I've included some credible ones throughout my response.
Begin by giving an overview of who Alhazen was ( and then cover Johannes Kepler and how he coined the term 'Camera Obscura' (
Next give an overview of the Camera Obscura and how it works ( or
I am pretty sure this is correct.