Non potable waters are not for drinking. It is not safe to be drink that's why drinking it can carry significant health risk on our body. Non potable waters are only for irrigation and other non drinking water activity. POtable waters are the water that is clean and safe to drink
To compute inpiratory reserve volume (irv), one would need to know and it is: IRV = VC - (TV+ERV)
Inspiratory reserve volume is the maximal amount or more air that can be drawn into the lungs by determine effort after normal inspiration - assimilate expiratory reserve volume.
first give the following options bro..
Question 3. Answer is A. Luster
Question 4. Answer is B. False
Question 5. Answer is B. Vitreous Luster
Question 6. Answer is A. Calcite
I’m so happy to help :) Have a awesome day I hope you pass!!