Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Analogy: The golgi apparatus is like the host or hostess because they "deliver" or seat the customers at a table. Function: This organelle acts as a storage unit, water or food, for the cell. Function: This organelle makes proteins to be EXPORTED.
I believe the answer is 3d^6 4s^2
Random mutations led to evolution of pesticide resistance genes in bed bugs.
Random mutations in genome of bed bug imparted them the pesticide resistance. Since the bed bugs having the mutation of pesticide resistance were able to survive under presence of pesticides, this variation was favored by natural selection. The bugs with pesticide resistance transmitted this trait to their progeny. In time, the bed bug population consisted of most of the bugs having the pesticide resistance.
Microtubules originate on the centre of the cell taking the positive end to the periphery of the cell, while the negative end remains turned to the centre of the cell. The melanosomes move along these microtubules using motor proteins desiganted kinesins and dyneins. The kinesins are responsible for moving the melanosomes to the positive end of the microtubule (periphery of the cell) generating dark-colored cells, whereas dyneins move the melanosomes to the negative end of the microtubule (centre of the cell) generating light-colored cells.
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