The correct answer is - With full, red line.
The circum-pacific belt is represented with a full red line. The line marks all of the belt uninterruptedly, starting from New Zealand, through the islands of Southeast Asia, along the coast of East Asia, bellow the Bering Strait, and along the western coasts of North and South America, ending at Patagonia.
This line, roughly represents the tectonic plate boundaries of the Pacific plate with the other plates with which it is in contact, or rather getting submerged bellow them. Because the plate boundaries are convergent, with the Pacific plate submerging bellow the others, there's intense geologic activity, manifested through earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis.
Monumental Axis is the central avenue in Brasilia's city design
The first section of the monumental avenue is known to be the "Ministries Esplanade" because it is enveloped by ministers building. Many important government buildings and monuments are established on the monumental axis.
Cathedral of Brasilia is present there in the monumental axis. It was constructed after 1950 as a plan to construct a modern city. It serves ti be the major transportation point. monumental axis have twelve lanes which marks to be the world' busy dual carriage way.
Difference is given as under
- Mountain belts or mountain ranges are a line of hills connected by high ground. Usually an orogeny most of them are a result of plate tectonic effects and maybe young may be old depending upon their characteristic composition. Like the Himalayas is a young fold mountain formed in the tertiary system of rocks.
- Usually, the mountain is separated from highlands, valleys, and passes. Usually, they tend to regulate the climate affecting snow and rainfall patterns. As compared to the stable interiors upon concerning their age are mostly young as they are continuously on the move and their formation is impacted by erosion and continuous wear and tear of geomaterials.
- Concerning the height, the continents are lower as compared to the high elevated landmasses. Though the continents have large landmass and landscape is composed of various elements as mountain belts are smaller as composed to chains connecting the continents at the edges and borders.
- Only continental mountain belts like the arctic and antarctic circle have a large scale of mountain chains and ranges on earth that are since millions and billions of years ago the formation of super landmasses.
Quebec is Canada's largest province.
Its called till just look it up