Haiku written in English should have five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line. Your haiku should also be written in the present tense and contain a kigo, a word that indicates a season.
When meadows are white
And blizzards take on snowstorms,
You know winter wins...
Definition: A spiritual communion with God or an object of worship
Sentence: I thank you for it, and pray that God will bless you.
In Nectar in a Sieve, Rukmani marries a tenant farmer of the Vaishyas class.
According to the sacred book of Vedas, there is a rigid system of social groups categorized into four classes:
a) Brahmin, which includes the priests
b) Kshatriyas, which includes the rulers and the warriors.
c) Vaishyas, which include the farmers, traders or merchants.
d) Sudras, which includes the labors and untouchables (Harijan/Dalits)
I believe that the most fitting answer for this question would be Victor's curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Although this is typically seen as a positive characteristic, it ends up consuming Victor and contributing to his downfall. It leads to him creating his monster, which ultimately destroys him in the end. Hope this helps.