The students would most likely share ideas among themselves. They may be involved in other forms of cheating such as; sharing of answers among themselves, referring to their class notes, checking their text books.
What causes this action is lack of supervision, which triggers the negative behavior of the students.
This can easily be corrected if the teacher pays more attention to his simple duty of class management and examination supervision.
Bill gates and Steve Jobs
Bill gates cofounded Microsoft and Steve Jobs founded Apple
Correlation does not prove causation
Correlation and causation are the two terms that are mostly confused and used interchangeably used. These terms are often misunderstood by people. It is very important to know that these terms are used for the conclusion. So that person has to make understand what is the correct meaning of these two terms. Correlation does not imply causation. It is very important to understand this term. Correlation is basically about the two variables. It tells how the two variable is linearly related to each other and change together. It does not tell about how it is related but it tells about the relationship between the variables. Causation is a little bit more than a correlation. It tells about change in one variable that will cause a change in another variable.