I think you mean here organ transportation.
An ideal organ transportation is within the same person - that way, that person's immunological system won't attack that person's new organ.
Such transplantations are actually happening at times, in the case of skin drafts - a person's skin can be transplanted into another part of their body.
Indigenous knowledge is the basis for local level decision-making in food security, human and animal health, education, NRM, and other vital economic and social activities. ... IK is based on empirical experience and is embedded in both biophysical and social contexts, and cannot easily be removed from them.
The consuls, as they ran the government and headed the army. They could also veto each other, to keep and support one another.
Ronne ice shelf
80 degrees south and 70 degrees meet more inland than the Weddel Sea on the Ronne Ice Shelf. Mt Everest is on a different continent. Erebus is in west Antartica and the south pole is 0 degrees south
Huh? lol i rlly don’t know what that or this is but okay.