According to the American Civil War, the border states were slave states that did not declare a secession of the Union and did not join the Confederation. In the north, they bordered free states of the Union and in the south they bordered with Confederate slave states. During the Civil War, which was inevitable, many problems were felt by the soldiers due to poor conditions such as, lack of food, war equipment and clothing. However, beside this problems, families all across the country were split over this issue, and the soldiers from the border states had to fight against their own family on the same battlefield.
The British gained diamond and gold mining rights in South Africa and the Boer Republic ceased to exist as an independent republic.
South African War also known as the Anglo- Boer War, Boer War or Second Boer War was fought from October 11, 1899 to May 31, 1902. The war was between the Great Britain and the Boer Republic (South African Republic and Orange Free State).
The war was triggered by the discovery of gold and diamond in the Boer States and was finally won by the Great Britain after various attempts at peace making. The Boers surrendered in 1902 and the treaty ended the existence of the Boer Republic (South African Republic and Orange Free State) as independent republic after which they were under the British Empire.
Lincoln wanted to mend the Union by carrying out the Ten percent plan.