Essential oils may be dangerous if you have unknown allergies.
A small number of people may experience irritation or allergic reactions to certain essential oils. You're more likely to have a bad reaction if you have atopic dermatitis or a history of reactions to topical products. Although you can experience a reaction to any essential oil, some are more likely to be problematic, including:
Oregano oil
Cinnamon bark oil
Jasmine oil
Lemongrass oil
Ylang-ylang oil
Chamomile oil
Bergamot oil
Because pure essential oils are potent, diluting them in a carrier oil is the best way to avoid a bad reaction when applying directly to the skin. If you get a red, itchy rash or hives after applying essential oils, see a doctor. You may be having an allergic reaction.
The question of how someone's personality traits can be explained by unfulfilled wishes and childhood traumas would be of MOST interest to a psychologist working from a(n) psychodynamics perspective.