Independent Premises
Independent Premises simply means that when an argument has two or more arguments fused into one, such that if the argument is split into different or separate arguments, they will still support or equate to the same conclusion. Hence, the premises of this separate arguments are independently or termed independent premises.
In the statement or argument of the question, it can be separated as:
1. ...He will not raise taxes.
2. ...He will crack down on gang violence.
The word "and" in the argument, makes it a conjunction of two independent premises.
A conceptual variable is theoretical concept such as intelligence (tells the concept). Operational variable is when researchers are trying to test their hypothesis in a specific what to collect their data.(tells how to measure)
D. is ejected or partially ejected.
A rollover accident happens when a vehicle drives out of control, swings over to its side or front, and keeps rolling and swerving about. Most of the time, other drivers are responsible for these types of vehicle accidents. Most of the situations that leads up to a rollover include: distracted or Impaired drivers.
Most of the fatal situations in this type of vehicle crash is caused when the driver is ejected or partially ejected.
D. States' rights
Which rights, I'm not even sure, just rights in was a very loose justification by the southerners.
The answer is: After an accident with a red car last month, Giorgio gets nervous when he sees a red car, but not when he sees a red truck or van.
In classical conditioning, stimulus discrimination refers to the stimulus that create different response from you compared to other similar stimulus.
The discrimination could occurs if you experience positive things from the stimulus in the past (which make you addicted) or negative things from that stimulus (which made you traumatized). In Giorgio's case, the stimulus discrimination occurs because he experienced a traumatic experience with a red car, which influence his nervousness every time he see one.