Answer: The correct answer is "To play poker". Explanation: In Colin Linden's "Lucky Charm", the speaker starts his story by telling how his father "Little Willie" took him to Black-eyed Pete's "Emporium" on the day he turned seven.
C because all of Shakespeares writing at least within romeo and juliet alone was iambic pentameter if you look how it is written you can see it follows that same standard.
The author uses words such as foundations and trowellings to suggest Oliver's expertise.
The excerpt shows that Oliver had little money but had fantasies which he craved to satisfy. One of his fantasies was his desire to own a house. He was skilled in the art of building and this is reflected in how he used his great hands to lay the foundations.
Trowels are small flat metal blades with short handles used in scooping mixtures while painting. Oliver made smooth trowellings while building, an indication that he was also a skilled worker. The result of his expertise can be seen in the outcome of the building which was quite good.
Answer: C. They show the speaker's feelings and behaviour at the start of her marriage, when she was young and less mature.
The poem "The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter" by Ezra Pound describes the transformation that a young girl undergoes when she finds a partner. At the beginning of the poem, the girl describes how she was timid, and how she kept her head down. However, as time goes by, she becomes more comfortable with her partner, eventually missing him terribly when he is away. The line describes the first stage of this relationship, when her shyness prevented her from being herself.