It saves people's rights and also brings peaceful coexistence
1. A map is a topographic image that details the environmental features of a particular place on the earth, or the earth itself (not so sure about this one, question is <em>really </em>vague)
2. yes. they normally have north on top because a compass points north, and the easiest way to make a map easily legible is to detail which part of the page is the top, also, compasses point north and wayfinding is much easier with the cardinal directions detailed. (vague again)
3. a cartogram is a thematic map of a set of features
4. 30 km 25 m
this is probably the least reliable answer I've ever given lol but I like to think it helps
There are three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Each of these types is part of the rock cycle.