The printing press allowed for information to be distributed to a wide audience. This helped to spread new scientific discoveries as well, allowing scientists to share their works and learn from each other. The Scientific Method was further developed during the Renaissance.
the traits that had the most impact on who he was as a president included, being quick-tempered, fearless, strong-willed, strict, loyal and tough. Explanation: He felt the bank was using their power to make the wealthy rich any nobody else. He thought the Bank was undemocratic.
9/11 Commission - <span>National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States; this bipartisan, independent group was authorized by Congress and President Bush in 2002 to study the circumstances surrounding the September 11 terrorist attacks, including preparedness and the immediate response. It's 2004 report includes recommendations designed to guard against future attacks</span>
Do u have a picture I can see or
B<span>y proclaiming neutrality and signing treaties with Britain and Spain.</span>