currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, purpose
is the article recent
is the article useful, read past the headline
who is the author, has the author written any similar topic, have they demonstrated expertise and experience
cab the context be verified by multiple sources
earnestly asking for something
Josephine , who is the main character's sister, wanted desperetaly her sister , Louise, to open the door of her room. Louise had a heart disease and had to take care of herself, but she had become even more vulnurable when she learnt that her husband had died in a train crash. It was Josephine that had given her the news. Louise's first reaction was to shut herselp up in her room.
The scientist brings a caged lion cub.
As class started and Dr. Dillamond gets fired, a government scientist takes over the class as the new teacher along with a lion cub inside of a cage and he explained to the class as it was mention before that animals should stay in cages because of their own and other safety, all this coming from the recent loss of rights for animals discriminated by the wizard of oz. These event makes Elphaba extremely angry and triggers her magic abilities within the classroom.
Narrative tends to be more of a story and persuasive is trying to get the reader to think a certain way or do a different thing
Common excuses for not eating breakfast in the morning is “I don’t have time or I’m just not hungry in the mornings!” All of these excuses lead to lack of energy for the day, delayed start of the metabolism and decreased concentration once hunger pangs set in.
The saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” isn’t just a saying. There is scientific fact to why it’s so important. We need food for fuel in the morning to function at our best because we have gone several hours without it and it needs to be replenished.
Reasons to eat breakfast are: brain power, fuel to accomplish tasks throughout the day, get your metabolism going so you burn fat earlier in the day and aren’t storing food from the day before.