I know the first one shown in the picture but I can't see the one under it I can help you if you can show the whole problem under the first problem.
You would want to add multiple text slides.
I hope this helps as the wording of the question was unclear.
In order to calculate area of a square, 'A' be the area of square and the length of the square be 'a'. Then we need to calculate A= a*a. Step 2 :- Accept as input, the length of the sides of the square, and store the value in variable a. Step 3 :- Calculate the area of the square (a*a) and store in a variable A.
In Function library you would find the use in Formula function
name = []
price = []
for i in range(0,8):
item_name = input('name of item')
item_price = input('price of item')
for i in range(0, 8):
print(name[i], '_____', price[i])
Python code
Using the snippet Given :
Apples 2.10
Hamburger 3.25
Milk 3.49
Sugar 1.99
Bread 1.76
Deli Turkey 7.99
Pickles 3.42
Butter 2.79
name = []
price = []
#name and price are two empty lists
for i in range(0,8):
#Allows users to enter 8 different item and price choices
item_name = input('name of item')
item_price = input('price of item')
#user inputs the various item names and prices
#appends each input to the empty list
for i in range(0, 8):
print(name[i], '_____', price[i])
# this prints the name and prices of each item from the list.