scoop1 - 10
If we want scoop2 to be 10 pixels less than scoop1, we can simply subtract 10 from scoop1 to get the needed value from scoop2.
The line of code required to assign a value of 50.00 to a variable of double data type in C++ can be written thus :
- double average_student_grade = 50.00;
The declaration follows the format :
- Data type
- Variable name
- Value
The data type which is first stated, the double data type are floating point (have decimals) numbers which have 64 bit precison(a precison of 15 decimal digits) as opposed to floats which have 32 bit precison (a precison of 7 decimal digits).
The variable name is the name to hold the value of average grade. This name depends on the preference of the programmer. However. It is advisable that variable names are relatable.
Therefore, variable declaration in C++ may follow the format data type then variable name then value.
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yeah u can my brother go for it
Option D
option d component level design model is the correct answer