Sivil Order it because Shaun knew about the slaves within the underground tunnels under thy castel, and some of they horrible things he heard form one of the slaves.
1. Members of the different religious orders - both men and women - financed schools and colleges with profits from their haciendas and worked as teachers or running training institutions.
2. Others served in hospitals, hospices for the mentally ill and the dying, in houses for the poor, orphanages , etc.
The answer is A. That man was crazy
It was wrong because it is IMMORAL TO OWN ANOTHER PERSOM AND USE THEM FOR FREE LABOR, and the american colonies benefited from the institution of slavery because slave owners got free labor , more money went to slave owners and the government thru taxes bc they didn't have to pay their slaves a wage, also the institution of slavery was the direct cause of the institution of racism
You would first have to show a list of words and definitions to match and then i would be able to help you