The duke of athens is planning his mrrge with hippolyta
Humans or we should not be drinking bad water. It can cause many different diseases and those can cause death.
all the time haha. but then again, worrying and stressing over the questions isn't going to help either (it might even make the situation worse), so i try to not think about it too much. just do what you can and hope for the best!
Short Term Memory.
Often times when you first hear something, you don't fully process the information until a later time.
It's first stored in short term memory, but when writing in your notes its moved to long term memory.
B. \ kə-lŏs'-əs \
<u>A</u> may look to be the answer at first glance, but it actually tells you how to <em>"divide"</em> the word up into syllables, not how to <em>pronounce</em> it; this part of the dictionary entry is very helpful if you need to hyphenate the word when you're writing.
<u>B</u> looks to be a promising answer. Whenever you see Latin symbols near the top of the dictionary entry, it is the pronunciation of the word based on an alphabetic system called the IPA, or International Phonetic Alphabet.
<u>C</u> is one of the many definitions of colossus, so that is not the answer.
<u>D</u> is the part of speech of the word defined.