A - Read below
Diffusion is simply particles spreading around. Think of it like spraying perfume in a room. Where the person sprayed the perfume would be a high concentration as there is a lot of that perfume there. However, on the other side of the room there would be little to no perfume. So the perfume spreads around until it is evenly distributed in the room.
Cool air rising through warm air
The pine tree has unprotected seeds; the apple tree has seeds in fruit. The pine tree is vascular; the apple tree is a seedless, nonvascular plant. The pine tree thrives in warm climates; the apple tree thrives in cold climates.
Answer: see below.
gases dissolve more in colder water, so in summer the water can become oxygen depleted. Evaporation in summer can reduce water volume; even in summer rainfall climate evaporation rates may exceed precipitation. Evaporation will also cause higher conentrations of solutes of which some may reach toxic levels. Summer sun may also cause algal or cyanobacterial blooms which can further deplete dissolved oxygen and may release toxins into the water.
The DNA double helix is unzipped by the enzyme *HELICASE*. The enzyme breaks the hydrogen bond between the bases thereby causing the strands of the double helicase to unzip. The action of the helicase enzyme uses energy from ATP. The unzipping of the double helix does not occur in a swift move. One end of the DNA molecule with 5'-3' is opened up showing the antiparallel single strands. The end that is opened is termed INITIATION SITE of replication. The opening look like someone standing with legs wide open. The wide opening is called REPLICATION FORK. The single strands of the fork are usually unstable but their stability is maintained by the DNA-binding-proteins. Having opened the double helix, the replication would then continue in the 5'-3' direction of one of the two antiparallel single strands.