The false statement is -
a. Agricultural production has increased slightly since 1960.
The agricultural production in Africa, since 1960 until the present, has been increasing at a moderate rate, not at a small rate. If it was only a slight increase, considering the ever-growing population on the continent (it is the continent with fastest and biggest growth of population) than very big portion of the ''plus'' population would have died from starvation. The continent definitely needs bigger production, especially for its own needs, but it has to be said that little by little the situation is getting better at some regions.
1. fault block mountains develop in areas where widespread uplift causes fragmentation of the upper crust, also have steep dips
2. major mountain belts formed by volcanism intrusion and horizontal shortening
YES he did. He benefited from El Niño is the answer.
Answer: Sedimentary rock
From google (There are three main types of rock: igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock. Almost all fossils are preserved in sedimentary rock. Organisms that live in topographically low places (such as lakes or ocean basins) have the best chance of being preserved.)
As far as a threat, North Korea has been seen as such for many years (since WWII), when North Korea sided with Russia. America and its Capitalism were not fond of the Communist party, and so we have really been fighting/being concerned about Russian influence.
Historically North and South Korea have been in conflict many years before America and Russia got involved. When we did though it got worse.
Trump has done very little to resolve this, some would say he is making it worse.
AND as for any current events ask Google!