Forward spatter is the blood that is ejected out of the exit wound,going the same direction as the bullet.back spatter is the blood ejected out of the entry wound,travelling against the line of fire and towards the shooter.
One million.
Each kidney contains about one million of nephrons. The nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney means that our kidney is made up of nephrons. The main function of nephron is to produces urine in the process of removing waste, toxic and excess substances from the blood. kidney is responsible for the filtration of blood by removing all the waste materials and taken these waste materials to the excretory organs in order to remove from the body.
Potential energy or stored energy.
Answer:The might likely die.
Phloem and xylem tissues are the major conducting tissues in plant. Xylem conduct ( transports) water and minerals salts from the soil through the roots to all parts of the plant while phloem conducts manufactured food from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
Now, if the phloem of a seed plant is damaged and not functioning well, the manufactured food will not get to other parts of the plant where it is needed or supposed to be stored.
If the plant is no longer getting these nutrients, its growth and development will be affected. It might lead to the death of the plant.
Yes earth is only so big
SUPOSSEBLY IN 2035 we will have a small civilization on mars. Cause in 1 million years or less humans will be over populated on earth and forced to make room underground or higher in the skies like outer space!