Virus are a type of infectious agents it in almost all scenarios it will infect as many as cells it can before your WBC's can kill them
And in fact you are right now only in the state of Disease free. Every second your body is fighting off diseases. So to support your immune system eat Lots of Healthy food and stay safe!
Happy cats blink eyes, keep whiskers forward and tail relaxed; Aggressive Cat lowers tail and make it stiff, crouches etc; an Angry cat is rigid and curls itself around its body and a Depressed cat sleeps more than usual.
A Veterinary assistant must be well aware about different body languages of cat. Cats show different body postures in different moods.
i) HAPPY CAT- A happy cat returns our gaze with a blink an eye and there will be a dilation in the eye that indicates happiness and tail will be relaxed.
ii) AGGRESSIVE CAT- An aggressive cat can both be defensive and offensive. Offensive body language includes- stiff and straight leg, lowered stiff tail and a defensive language includes- Crouching of body and eyes completely dilated.
iii) ANGRY CAT- Angry cat has a rigid posture, growls and make its body curled up and make itself look large.
iv) DEPRESSED CAT- Depressed cats hold its ear back and make their fur stand at the end, they tuck their tail and sleeps more than usual.
Through the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is pulled from the air to produce food made from carbon for plant growth.
A chromosome is a Deoxyribonucleic acid molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism.
One reason is that the two kinds of birds live in two different types of environments and also the sharp billed ground finch does not just it plant matter. It feast on the blood of bigger sea birds. This is an adaptation that it has so it does not have to eat plant matter and compete for food